Date created
17 February 2004
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Technicolor Instructions

  1. Selecting colour components

    You can create a colour by selecting its different Red, Green and Blue components (RGB). Move your mouse over the particular component you wish to change and select a value by clicking on the appropriate part of the colour scale. When a colour component is changed, the main colour (top left colour square) will be updated with the changes, and the variants also automatically updated.

  2. Painting the web page

    By clicking on any of the elements on the mock up web page to the right of the screen, you can "paint" that element with the currently selected colour. You can select a colour from any of the 12 colour blocks on the left. The selected colour is denoted by a white circle at the centre of the square.

    All elements on the mock web page can be coloured, including section background and text colour.

  3. Auto-paint

    The mock web page can be "auto-painted" using the current main colour and its variants. To do this, click on the "Auto-paint the web page" link. Of course, a computer can't really tell colours apart, so the colour combinations it applies to the different sections won't be as good as if a human matched them, but it provides a general look-and-feel using the current main colour.

  4. Promoting a variant colour

    You can "promote" a variant colour to be the main colour by double-clicking on one of the colour squares. This moves the variant to the main colour and produces automatic variants for it.

  5. Getting colour codes

    The colour code for any of the colours in the square can be viewed underneath the grid when you move your mouse over a particular colour. It supplies the value as a decimal RGB component colour, followed by the more web-traditional hexadecimal value.